Sunday, May 20, 2007

implant revisited tour in New york university

Dr Peter Hunt The evolution of implantology
Guideline principles
1. make sure the implant is stable
2. surround in with an osseous coagulum
3. protect the region with soft tissue
an osseous coagulun in a gingival cocoon
Implant design – body +collar
body : Taper design
faster placement
reduced potential for contamination
max. bone-contact
enhanced stability
low stress
collar Now –is critical for supporting
three theories of marginal bone loss
1. developing of the biologic height –periodontal rationale
2. the inadequate implant design concept the argument for microgrooves
3. The microspace –plateform switching
Dr. hunt – best implant is “Camolog
implant design : summary
8 question
1. plateform size ??
2. 5-yr survival rate
3. mean bone loss around the collar ?
4..How deep does the connection post go down inside the implant ?
5.Rotational slip of the connection?
6.Rotational rupture point??
7.Rototaion component cover the implant plateform ??
8.Potential for developing “emergency profile??

Day 2 in NYU Immediate loading Romanos GE
How do you try to explain “ immediate loading “?
--- Surgery and occlusion loading at the same time
JP 2003 74;74:225
Early loading : final crown <3w>18M)
To wait too long ,bone will disappear
Form follows function.(like gym)
Bone quality is based on Clinical realities, not based on location .
The weakest link—implant-abutment-connection
To confirm no microgap and micromotion between implant-abut. connection
COIR 1996,7,212 : different reaction(astra more resistenat to bact.)
COIR 1998,9,73-79 (astra Less plaque accumulation)
COIR 1997;24;568-572
Patient factors:
Surgical factors
Approximately implant selection
Tapered implants with high primary stability
Biomechanical factors


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