Saturday, June 24, 2006

Establish your own brand

Brand is personality ,not product or logo ,which is feeling about you for customers.
"品牌"的意義:是企業要強化自己最值得驕傲的特質,並且向外溝通這種特質.最終, 品牌的建立靠的不是廣告, 而是企業對自己承諾扎扎實實的表現 .


指標一 美元
指標二 人民幣匯率
指標三 利率
指標四 債券市場
指標五 通貨膨脹
指標六 房地產市場
指標七 就業市場
指標八 資本財 , 耐久財銷售
指標九 零售銷售
指標十 大宗商品 原物料行情

Friday, June 23, 2006

Vertical dimension elevation with implant therapy in post-radiotheraphy NPC patient

A case who was gum impinged bite had been received radiotherapy because of NPC .
We elevated his vertical dimension and reconstructed occlusion with implant.

The origin of Astra implant design

Biomechanical aspects --
Original from " Galileo G (1638) --- Bone size is directly correlated with body weight and activity
Von Meyer H. & C.Culmann(1867) --- There are direct relationship between the structure of cancellous of the bone and direction of loading . The bone structure is similar to the architecture design .
Wolff's law (1892) --- The law of bone transformation
The first one who combined the above two findings .
A bone .. develpos the structure best suited to resist the force acting upon it.
Wolff's law applies to pro tennis players
Humeral cortical thickness on playing side is greater by 34.9% on men and 28.4% on women compared with control side . ( Jones HH et al 1977 Bone Joint Surg Am 204-208)
Wolff's law applies to astronauts
A device delivering a mechanical impluse intended to mimic the heel strike transient
(Goodship et al 1998 Acta Astronaut 65-75)

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

local drug therapy in periodontal disease

Several local drug delivery systems employed as monotherapies improved periodontal health and provided results that were not statistically significantly different than attained with scaling and root planing (SRP) alone. In contrast,many local drug delivery devices when used as adjuncts to SRP provided a statistically significant enhancement of parameters commonly used to monitor periodontal status. However,meanimprovements with respect to probing depth reduction or gainof clinical attachment were often limited to tenths of millimeters.Several devices also achieved specific criteria that canbe used to identify clinically significant findings (e.g., numberof sites with probing depth reduction ‡2 mm). However, there are conflicting datawith respect to the ability of local drug deliveryto enhance results of SRP at deep probing sites, and there is limited information relative to its capability to inhibit disease progression or enhance osseous repair in infrabony defects. Conclusion: The decision to use local drug delivery during active treatment or maintenance should be based upon clinical findings, responses to therapy recorded in the literature, desired clinical outcomes, and the patient’s dental and medical history. J Periodontol 2006;77:565-578.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

LIFECORE advanced implant course in Hualien

I am going to attending 3-day course for "implant instructor training course " in Hualien .

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Nordic learning tour (I)

A wonderful and fantastic tour in Sweden and accompanied with my mentor,黃啟洲 醫師 .
The mentor open my eyes and my mind that no longer restricted in the limited world.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


胡立陽先生故事 : 我有一次到英國探望一個朋友,這個朋友養了大約 200 頭羊,他的羊每次參加比賽都得冠軍。他除了可以精準的叫出每一隻羊的名字和特徵外,還能告訴我哪隻羊心情好、哪隻羊好像不太舒服。對我來說每一隻羊都是一樣的,我並不能看出其中的分別。我看股票就好像他看羊一樣,鎖定一籃子的股票後,就開始像養羊一樣,觀察這些股票的一舉一動,其他股票我都不看,我在華爾街時就是這樣連看 3 - 5 年,對我來說這些股票都是有生命的,甚至會覺得這些股票每天都會跟我說話,它如果狀況不好我一定看的出來。今天跌了 0.5 元對別人意義可能不大,但是對我來說卻是非同小可,可能就代表一個千載難逢的買點。現在的投資人太博愛了,每支股票都想看,哪支漲看哪支,這樣是絕對無法獲利的。
如同一個醫生不可能什麼疾病都會看, 一定有其專精的項目 ;只做專精的相關部份, 其他則轉往其它的醫師, 才能為病患的健康做最好的把關 .

immediate implant

A case of young adult female p't complained about " uneven incisal edge of ant. false tooth"
Via X-ray examination,we found the perforation site over the middle third of the canal . So we suggest ext. it and place implant and temporay restoration for esthetic consideration .

A Randomized controlled clinical study tell us about the effect of flapless implant surgery on soft tissue profile : Twenty-four patients with a missing tooth in the premaxillary region were randomly assigned to one of two groups(12 each): immediate loading (IL) or delayed loading (DL) (loadingafter 4 months). No significant differenceswere detected between groups at each time and over time inthe other clinical parameters, PD, mBI, mPI, and WKM (P >0.05).
Conclusions: The results of this study indicate that creeping attachment(i.e., soft tissue recovery) might occur within 2 months after IL. The study suggests that flapless implant surgery providesesthetic soft tissue results in single-tooth implants either immediately or delayed loaded. J Periodontol 2006;77:874-882

Monday, June 12, 2006

sinus graft

The female patient had recieved sinus grafting simultaneously implantation over R't side of posterior max. Because there is septum in the sinus, I used the combination techinque of lateral window (medial) and osteotome technique to place Bio-Oss graft and implant .

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Articles related bone grafts in different sitations

Bone Physiology
1.Factors That Modulate the Effects of Bone Morphogenetic Protein-Induced Periodontal Regeneration: A Critical Review
King.G.N. J Periodontol 2002;73:925-936
2.Mediators of Periodontal Osseous Destruction and Remodeling: Principles and Implications for Diagnosis and Therapy
Mcauley.L.K. J Periodontol 2002;73:1377-1391
3.Calcium nutrition and metabolism Felix
Bronner.F. Dent Clin N Am 47 (2003) 209-224
4.Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Their Involvement in Bone Remodeling Repair, and Regeneration
Heersche.J.N.M. 17-23
5.Biology of Bone Healing: Its Impact on Clinical Therapy
Hollinger.J.O. 17-53
Bone Graft Review
1.Bone Grafting Materials for Dental Applications: A practical Guide
Gross.J.S. Compendium/October 1997;1013-1036
2.A thorough physicochemical characterization of 14 calcium phosphate-based bone substitution materials in comparison to natural bone
Tadic.D. Biomaterials 25 (2004) 987-994
3.Bone Grafting and its Essential Role in Implant Dentistry
Rissolo.A.R. Volume 42‧umber 1‧January 1998:91-116
4.Bone Grafts and Growth and Differentiation Factors for Regenerative Therapy: A Review
Rose.L.F. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2001;13(9):725-734
5.A systematic review of graft materials and biological agents for periodontal intraosseous defects
Trombelli.L. J Clin Periodontol 2002;29(suppl. 3): 117-135
6.The Efficacy of Bone Replacement Grafts in the Treatment of Periodontal Osseous Defects. A Systematic Review
Reynolds.M.A. Ann Periodontol 2003;8:227-265
7.The Critical Size Defect as an Experimental Model for Craniomandibulofacial Nonunions
Schmitz.J.P. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Reearch Number 205 April, 1986;299-308
8.Relationship Between the Radiographic Periodontal Defect Angle and healing After Treatment
Steffensen.B. J. Periodontol. May 1989;248-254
9.Radiographic Defect Depth and Width for prognosis and Description of Periodontal Healing of Infrabony Defects
Klein.F. J Periodontol 2001;72:1639-1646
10.Particle Size of periodontal Bone Grafting Materials
Zanert.D.J. Accepted for publication 18 October 1983;406-409
11.Bone Regeneration Using an Open Flap procedure: Utilization of Periodontal ligament, Bone and Periosteum
Pollack.R.P. “The International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry” 4/1982;59-69
Demineralized Freeze-Dried Bone Allograft
1.Histologic Evaluation of New Attachment in Human Intrabony Defects
A Literature Review
Bowers.G.M. Accepted for publication 14 December 1981;509-514
2.Clinical Evaluation of localized Periodontosis Defects Treated with Freeze-Dried Bone Allografts Combined with local and Systemic Tetracyclines
Yukna.R.A. “The International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry” 5/1982;9-21
3.Dectalcified Freeze-Dried Bone Allograft as an Implant Material in Human Periodontal Defects
Mellonig.J.T. “The International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry”6/1984;41-55
4.Histologic Evaluation of New Attachment in Humans
A Preliminary Report
Bowers.G.M. Accepted for publication 19 November 1984;381-395
5. Histologic Evaluation of New Attachment Apparatus Formation in Humans
Part IIBowers.G.M. Journal of Periodontology , 1989;60:675-682
6.Histologic Evaluation of New Attachment Apparatus Formation in Humans
Part IIIBowers.G.M. Journal of Periodontology , 1989;60:683-693
7.Effect of Various Graft Materials with Tetracycline in Localized Juvenile Periodontitis
Evans.G.H. J Periodontol 1989;60;491-497
8.Ability of Commercial Demineralized Freeze-Dried Bone Allograft to Induce New Bone Formation
Schwartz.Z. J Periodontol 1996;67:918-926
9.A Clinical Evaluation of Demineralized Freeze-Dried Bone Allograft in Combination with Tetracycline in the Treatment of periodontal Osseous Defects
Masters.L.B. J Periodontol 1996;67:770-781
10.Effect(s) of the Demineralization Process on the Osteoinductivity of Demineralized Bone Matrix
Zhang.M. J Periodontol 1997;68:1085-1092
11.Ability of Commercial Demineralized Freeze-Dried Bone Allograft to Induce New Bone Formation is Dependent on Donor Age But Not Gender
Schwartz.Z. J Periodontol 1998;69:470-478
12.The Use of a New Allograft material for Osseous Reconstruction Associated With Dental Implants
Babbush.C.A. Implant Dentistry/ Volume 7, Number 3 1998;205-210
13.Contemporary Grafting Material for Use in Dnetal Implantology
Dental Implantology Update June 1998
14.Supracrestal Bone Regeneration: A Pilot Study
Kassolis.J.D. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 1999;19:131-139
15.Collagen and a Thermally Reversible Poloxamer Deliver Demineralied Bone Matrix(DBM) and Biologically Active Proteins to Sites of Bone Regeneration
Coulson.R. Proceedings from Portland bone Symposium 1999 p.619-637
16.GBR in Human Extraction Sockets and Ridge Defects Prior to Implant Placement: Clinical Results and Histologic Evidence of Osteoblastic and Osteoclastic Activities in DFDBA
Brugnami.F. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 1999;19:259-267
17.The Use of Demineralized Freeze-Dried Bone-Glycoprotein Matrix Grafts in Treating Baboon Periodontal Infrabony Defects
Blumenthal.N.M Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2000;20:61-69
18.Tissue Banking of Bone Allografts Used in Periodontal Regeneration
J Periodontol 2001;72:834-838
19.Is There a Role for DFDBA in Periodontal Regenerative Therapy?
Grest Editorlal J Periodontol September 1996;946-948
20.”Pacific Coast Tissue Bank” Dental Allograft Material
Synthetic Graft
1.Comparison of Porous Bone Mineral and Biologically Active Glass in critical-Sized Defects
Schmitt.J.M. J Periodontol 1997;68:1043-1053
2.Clinical Use of a bioactive Glass Particulate in the treatment of Human Osseous Defects
Shapoff.C.A. Compendium/April 1997:352-363
3.Clinical Evaluation of Bioactive Glass in the Treatment of Periodontal osseous Defects in Humans
Lovelace.T.B. J Pweiosonrol 1998;69:1027-1035
4.Fixture Modification and Osseous Regeneration of The “Ailing/Failing” Implant
Evasic.R. journal of Oral Implantology Vol. XXV/No. Two/1999:135-137
5.Human Histologic Evaluation of Bioactive Ceramic in the Treatment of Periodontal osseous Defects
Nevins.M.L. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2000;20:459-467
6.Clinical Application of Bioactive Glass In the Treatment Of Periodontal Defects in Asian Patients
Wang.K.C. Unicare Research January 2001;1-7

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Astra OsseoSpeed™ 5.0 Straight

OsseoSpeed™ 5.0 Straight
The 5.0 Straight is here
Maxillary molar region
Mandibular molar region
Extraction sites
Our new 5.0 mm straight implant complements the Astra Tech range of MicroThread™– OsseoSpeed™ implants. The entire implant from the apex to the neck is 5.0 mm wide, providing extended bone-to-implant contact for optimal primary stability.Improved primary stability
The new 5.0 mm straight implant is designed for challenging situations where improved primary stability is desired. What’s more, it features the original Conical Seal Design™ abutment connection, the original MicroThread™ implant neck and the unique OsseoSpeed™ surface. They work together to ensure maintained marginal bone levels over time.


1. Strategic degree of freedom (SDF) --- What is customers really looking for ??
2. Arbitrage -運用套利
3.The new combination -- 老東西 新組合
4.Maximize the marginal contribution of the fixed cost -- 固定成本的貢獻極大化
5.Expand the digital continent
6.Fast forward -- 快轉時鐘 ,遇見未來
改變不是一夜就發生 環顧四周 其實會有一些指標的
7.Utilize the under utilized --- 挖掘出未被利用的部分
8. Real-time online case study -- 要假想自己如果是他 如何下決策
9. What does this all mean? -- Stop to thinking 不要一直埋頭苦幹
10. 培養構想力 --- 構想力是超越願景、超越概念的一種做法。你要贏過你的競爭者,而且這種構想只存在於人的心裡,你沒有辦法透過腦力激盪來做成這個構想。
   不要所有事情都依賴機器 ,未來,個人的重要性會超過企業與國家,未來創造利潤的來源也是個人              
                   originated from
Cortical bone collector
1.ready to use
2.minmally invasive

Ridge augmentaion with titanium mesh and bio-oss bone graft over 11 area

Friday, June 02, 2006

前牙美觀處理(anterior teeth esthetic management )
1. disease control
2. smile line
3. tooth shape
4. biotype of periodontium
5. crown -root ratio after management ( ortho or op.)
6. prosthetic design
case : peri-ortho tx. and soft tissue graft over 22 labial area

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Laser treatment in periodontal disease 2006

Current evidence does suggest that use of the Nd:YAG or Er:YAG wavelengths for treatment of chronic periodontitismay be equivalent to scaling and root planing (SRP) with respect to reduction in probing depth and subgingival bacterial populations.However, if gain in clinical attachment level is considered the gold standard for non-surgical periodontal therapy, then the evidence supporting laser-mediated periodontal treatment over traditional therapy is minimal at best. Lastly, there is limited evidence suggesting that lasers used in an adjunctive capacity to SRP may provide some additional benefit.

美國牙周病醫學會在2006年最新的文獻回顧 ,針對雷射對牙周病治療的效果,在囊袋降低及牙齦下菌種的減少 和傳統非手術性治療(刮除牙結石及牙根面整平) 相當.因此在對雷射治療必須多多思考 .

my complete profile

Name : Wang Yin-Pin
profession : periodontist (牙周病專科醫師)
office link :
office email :
my personal email :
人生觀 : Enjoy your time 享受自己在人生中的每一個階段